Admission Arrangements

The Parallel Learning Trust’s admission responsibilities for pupil referral units

Admission to a full time pathway for primary, Key Stage 3 or 4 will be for pupils who have been permanently excluded or who are at the point of permanent exclusion and where a move to the Victory Park Alternative Provision roll is agreed by all concerned, including parents. Prior to this the expectation is that the headteacher of the excluding school will have discussed the potential exclusion with the Headteacher of Victory Park Alternative Provision and alternative strategies explored by all parties to try to avoid a permanent exclusion.

Referrals to the Alternative Provision Pathways for individual pupils of compulsory school age will come from the pupil’s home school. The pupil remains on the roll of the home school. Pupils may be experiencing social, emotional or mental health difficulties, may be having fixed term exclusions or may be at risk of exclusion. The service will expect schools to complete referral documentation and provide detailed information about the pupil and the family prior to admission. There is an expectation that the school would have sought advice and support from Early Help Family Support prior to referral to Victory Park Alternative Provision. If there are child protection concerns then appropriate referrals should be made to social care.

If we believe it is not appropriate for our school to be named on your child’s EHC plan, we can seek to argue against being named for the following reasons:

  • the school is not suitable for the child’s age, ability and aptitude and the special educational needs set out in the statement or EHCP
  • the child’s attendance is not compatible with the efficient education of other children in the school, and
  • the placement is not an efficient use of the school’s resources.

However, irrespective of our viewpoint while being consulted, the final decision of whether to name the school rests with Southend Borough Council. The school cannot apply any other criteria to tie break between children named to the school and admit one child but refuse another. We cannot refuse to comply with a statement or EHCP once named.

Southend Borough Council may also place children without an EHCP of statement with us for a limited period of time in order to assess their needs. Such placements should not last for more than 20 weeks.

How are pupils referred to Victory Park Academy?

Pupils are referred by two agencies:

1. The Local Authority – refers students who:

  • Have had one or more permanent exclusions
  • 12 Week placement are referred and consulted through the LA Inclusion.
  • Have a Managed Transfer to the Victory Park Academy
  • Are deemed a Child Missing Education (CME)

2. Southend secondary schools – refer students who:

  • Are assessed as having needs that cannot at the time be best met by the school and which impact upon the learning and overall progress of the individual and/or other children at the school.

These children are at risk of exclusion from school. Victory Park Academy offers an interim placement and supports the child and the school with reintegration back into the referring school.

For more information, please contact Victory Park Academy by emailing: 

Admission Policies


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