Victory Park Academy Rewards Schemes

Here at Victory Park Academy we have student rewards schemes that reward our pupils for their achievements & good behaviour. Please see below more details regarding our rewards schemes.

At the end of every term, pupils come together for a whole school assembly and are awarded certificates and £5 vouchers for special achievements such as 100% Attendance that term.


Primary are working towards two reward systems. The first is a weekly reward system where each child can earn dojo points for positive behaviour or excellent work. The student with the most dojo points at the end of the week wins a dip in the goody bag. The second reward scheme is our half termly reward scheme where the points will be collected from sleuth and dojo. When a student reaches 150 points they get a note home; 300 points is a special certificate; 450 points a dip in the goody bag; 600 points £5 voucher and 700 points is a half termly trip to Oxygen.









KS3 & Key Stage 4

KS3 and KS4 pupils that show good engagement and positive behaviour in lessons are able to go on an off-site trip every Friday provided they have the sleuth points, which are counted every Friday morning. They also have an assembly once a week where sleuth points are counted and children are awarded prizes from the gold, silver and bronze gift boxes.


Our LEAP (Learning environment in an alternative provision) class has an assembly every Friday where we celebrate their successes from the week (they can earn certificates and a small prize) they reflect on their targets and take part in a quiz. They also have the opportunity to earn a place on our half termly reward trip, pupils take an active role in choosing and planning this trip. This trip is based on sleuth points throughout the half term. Positive phone calls home are also a part of our daily routine and important for maintaining good home-school relationships. Our Secondary Turnaround group (STAG) also has a rewards assembly on a Wednesday afternoon.

Reward Posters


OfstedEPDA AwardDuke of Edinburgh Healthy SchoolsNCFEAQAPearsonNOCNPrinces Trust