We welcome strong links between home and school. A positive partnership helps us all better understand and support the needs of our pupils. We try hard to ensure that our communication is clear and useful. We also recognise that different people will want contacting in different ways, and as long as expectations remain reasonable we will always strive to do our best to meet such needs. Due to the nature of our student’s needs, you might find it difficult to keep up to date with what your child is achieving in school and if any parent has any concerns they should not hesitate to contact the school.

Useful contacts are:

  • Mr E Muca, Headteacher
  • Mrs C Burch, Designated Safeguarding Lead

Available to discuss any concerns parents may have. If we are unable to help, we may be able to direct you to the service that can help.

Our links with parents are strengthened through:

  • Home-School books (when requested)
  • Telephone calls
  • Postcard Good Achievement Report
  • Letters home
  • School Website
  • Parent Workshops
  • Pupil Reports
  • Parent Open Evenings (KS3/KS4)
  • Reviews (including Educational, Transitional and Behavioural)
  • Extended Schools programme
  • ParentMail


At Victory Park we have a welfare team to support parents on academic, SEND and student welfare. Our team includes:

Gill Lyons- Family Welfare: glyons@victorypark.org.uk

Emily Bates- Modified Learning plans: ebate@victorypark.org.uk

Charlotte Burch- DSL: cburch@victorypark.org.uk

Katie Blight- SENCo: kblight@victorypark.org.uk

Rosie Honeysett- Deputy SENCo: rhoneysett@victorypark.org.uk

Natalie Berryman Brown- Teaching and Learning: nberrymanbrown@victorypark.org.uk


We also have links to external services that can provide information and support in these areas:

Emotional Wellbeing.

Anna Freud foundation.




Young minds.



SEND Advice.

Local offer.


Independent Parental Special Educational Advice.


Parent partnership.



Child welfare.

Online safety.


County lines.



Extremist and radicalisation.



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