Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum intent recognises our school’s unique context by supporting pupils' academic; vocational and SEND learning needs. As part of this education, we place great emphasis on the development of pupils’ pastoral, social and emotional development to enable them to develop as individuals and citizens, within the wider community.

Our curriculum aims to empower pupils; support them and prepare them for their future careers. We hope to adapt their attitudes to learning towards a ‘can do’ attitude, so they appreciate the challenges they may face in later life, and have the moral resilience to lead happy and fulfilling lives.

Primary Curriculum

Our primary curriculum supports pupils to develop a sense of self to become receptive learners in a nurturing environment, developing Social Skills, Motor Skills and Team building with our pupils

Primary pupils are also taught: English, Phonics, Mathematics, Science, Art, PE, Humanities (themed Topics) and PSHE.

We develop pupils’ reading and Literacy Skills throughout the Primary curriculum, through discreet Literacy and Numeracy lessons as well through themed topics.

Within Key Stage 1 we use the Phonics Scheme, Read, Write INC (RWI).

Secondary Turnaround Group (STAG) Curriculum

This is 12-week programme for pupils to develop coping strategies for their successful return to mainstream. We aim to engage all pupils in learning; enable all pupils to make progress from their individual starting points, and to have successes in learning; focus on developing pupil’s social, emotional and mental health; focus on depth before breadth: having a strong curriculum focus on the facilitating subjects of English and Mathematics; allow pupils to explore subjects beyond the core curriculum that reflect the local context and prepares pupils to be successful within society; support all pupils to make healthy and safe choices; support all pupils to develop the skills, behaviours and attitudes that will enable them to reintegrate to, and be successful in, the next phase of their education.

LEAP Curriculum

Leap curriculum is nurture-based model, with Primary and Secondary elements, a curriculum focused on personal development and therapeutic subjects/interventions. Most are in different stages of the EHCP process. The delivery of this curriculum is based on SEN methods of teaching and differs slightly to KS3.

Key Stage 3 and Curriculum

We aim to provide our pupils with the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens, gaining ‘Cultural Capital’. Our curriculum is designed to:

  • Promote success both academically and vocationally
  • Develop the self
  • Develop social independent skills
  • Promote a growth mind-set Engage all pupils in learning.
  • Enable all pupils to make progress from their individual starting points, and to have successes in learning.
  • Focus on developing pupil’s social, emotional and mental health.
  • Focus on depth before breadth; having a strong curriculum focus on the facilitating subjects of English and Mathematics.
  • Support all pupils to make healthy and safe choices.
  • Support pupils to make positive decisions about their future and next steps.
  • Ensure that all Y11 pupils leave with at least two qualifications, no matter when they join us.
  • Ensure that the majority of our Y 11 pupils achieve a qualification in English and Mathematics.
  • Ensure that all Y 11 pupils who are not returning to mainstream education have access to a range of qualifications at the right level and grade to reflect their ability.

Curriculum Implementation

All pupils who have joined us and continue to, have come from various different settings and contexts, have been taught different curriculums and some will move onto other schools and curriculums. Therefore, our curriculum has been developed to reflect the wide range of pupil needs; pupil progress and pupil engagement. We have taken into consideration the journey of the child and developed curriculum options to support individual lifelong learning opportunities.

Pupils are assessed through the induction process using WRATs, a baseline assessment which provides ages in reading; comprehension; spelling and maths. Following on from this any further interventions and support will be implemented through interventions, either embedded through the curriculum or provided on a one-to-one basis. These include read, Write Inc phonics programme; Fresh start; Lexia; Spellzone and TTRockstar. The aim is to close the gap between their starting point and age-related expectations.

The curriculum supports key knowledge being retained to memory. This is sequenced, so that new knowledge and skills build on prior knowledge and learning. Detailed yearly curriculum maps are available (on the tabs below).  Assessment is used to inform teaching and to help pupils to embed learning and understanding.

Curriculum Content


The impact of our curriculum is significantly measured through pupil progress and attainment. Our assessment policy lays out the detail of how we assess pupils.

In addition, evaluation of the impact of VPA’s curriculum will be measured in the following ways:


Impact Measure

Engage all pupils in learning.

  • Learning Walks
  • Pupil voice
  • Attendance
  • Progress data
  • Work Scrutiny

Enable all pupils to make progress from their individual starting points, and to have successes in learning.

  • Analysis of pupil progress data
  • Qualitative data on pupil progress (e.g. through work scrutiny)

Support all pupils to make healthy and safe choices.

  • Quality assurance of PHSE curriculum
  • Pupil voice
  • Analysis of behaviour data

Focus on depth before breadth: having a strong curriculum focus on the facilitating subjects of literacy and numeracy/English and Mathematics.


  • Analysis of pupil progress data in literacy and numeracy/Maths and English
  • Analysis of progress in reading, spelling and comprehension

Support all pupils to develop the skills, behaviours and attitudes that will enable them to reintegrate to, and be successful in, a mainstream school.


  • Number of pupils successfully reintegrated to the next phase of their education

Support pupils to make positive decisions about their future and next steps.

  • Number of pupils who have accessed  Connexions careers advice
  • Number of pupils with a positive destination to go to from Year 11
  • Number of pupils still in that positive destination 6 months later
  • Achievement of the Gatsby Careers Quality Mark

Ensure that all Year 11 pupils leave with at least two qualifications, no matter when they join us.

  • Number of Year 11 pupils who leave with two qualifications

Ensure that the majority of our Year 11 pupils achieve a qualification in English and Mathematics.

  • Number of Year 11 pupils who leave with a qualification in English and Mathematics.

Ensure that all Year 11 pupils who are not returning to mainstream education have access to a range of qualifications at the right level and grade to reflect their ability.

  • Quality assurance of curriculum
  • Learning Walks of teaching and learning in lessons
  • Quality assurance of appropriateness of curriculum offer and qualifications available for KS4 pupils
  • Quality assurance of additional subjects on offer
  • Number of pupils who leave with qualifications


Should you require any further information please contact Natalie Berryman-Brown, who is the senior member of staff with responsibility for the curriculum. Her details are: 

Curriculum Maps

Curriculum Offer & Review

Subject Curriculum Aims

Curriculum Programmes

Curriculum at a Glance









5 lessons

4 lessons

3 lessons

5 lessons

4 lessons

4 lessons

GCSE English Language AQA / Edexcel Functional Skills English (Level 1 Level 2)


4 lessons

4 lessons

3 lessons

5 lessons

5 lessons

4 lessons

GCSE Edexcel GCSE Mathematics/ Edexcel Functional Skills Maths (Level 1 Level 2)


3 lessons

4 lessons

2 lessons

1 lesson




1 lesson

1 lesson

2 lessons

3 lessons

3 lessons

2 lessons

NOCN Personal Wellbeing Level 1 Award/ Certificate. NOCN Personal Wellbeing Level 2 Award/ Certificate


3 lessons

3 lessons

2 lessons

2 lessons

2 lessons

2 lessons

NCFE Level 2 PE Certificate in Sport


3 lessons

3 lessons


1 lesson

1 lesson


Food Tech

2 lessons

2 lessons

1 lesson

2 lessons

1 lesson

3 lessons- 1 double 1 single theory-NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Food and Cookery/ High Speed Training Level 2 Food Safety Certificate


1 lesson

       1 lesson



1 lesson

4 lessons (Optional)

GCSE Art and Design (Art, Craft and Design)


2 lessons

2 lessons



1 lesson

2 lessons

2 lessons

Pearson BTEC level 1 and 2


1 lesson

1 lesson





Occupational Studies




1 lesson

2 lessons

Entry Level 3 Occupational Studies

4 lessons (Optional)

Level 1 and 2 NCFE qualification in Occupational Studies.

Outdoor Education




3 lessons



Prince’s Trust



2 lessons

1 lesson

2 lessons


Hair and Beauty





2 lessons

2 lessons (Optional)

NCFE Occupational Studies in the Workplace

Child Development






2 lessons (Optional)

NOCN Child Development

Duke of Edinburgh Award






4 lessons (Optional)

Duke of Edinburgh

Bronze award

OfstedEPDA AwardDuke of Edinburgh Healthy SchoolsNCFEAQAPearsonNOCNPrinces Trust