The Primary and KS3 Turn Around programme is a 6 to 12 week intervention for pupils who may be experiencing social, emotional or mental health difficulties, possibly received a fixed term exclusions or at risk of permanent exclusion.  The length of intervention will depend upon the level of need and subsequent progress made at Victory Park Academy. The expectation is that all pupils will return to their referring school.
A referral can be made, with full parental support, to Victory Park in consultation with the Behaviour Outreach team or directly to Victory Park Academy. There will need to be a meeting between the pupil, parent/carer, representative from the referring school and a senior member of staff from Victory Park Academy.
The pupil will have a one week induction before their turn around programme begins. There is an expectation that at the initial meeting the students, parent/carer and school representative will sign the referral form which will clearly state that the pupil will be returning to the home school unless an alternative mainstream school is proposed. Dates for reviews and targets for the pupil’s Individual Support Plans are set.
The criteria for a referral is as follows:

  • Referrals to the Turn Around programme for individual pupils of compulsory school age will come from the pupil’s home school.
  • The pupil remains on the roll of the home school.
  • The Victory Park Academy will expect schools to complete referral documentation, including a risk assessment, and provide detailed information about the pupil and the family prior to admission.
  • There is an expectation that the school would have sought advice and support from Early Help Family Support prior to referral to Victory Park Academy.
  • Reintegration planning, monitoring and a period of effective support from Victory Park Outreach staff should take place following the pupils return to school. (An example monitoring period could be 6 to 12 weeks).
  • There is an expectation that the referring school will make regular visits to Victory Park to meet with the pupil to monitor progress.
  • Following a successful preventative programme there will be a tailored reintegration plan.
  • Whilst attending Victory Park the pupil will wear Victory Park school uniform.

To make a referral please contact as below:

Tracey Wilson (In take Administration Officer for Victory Park) on

KS3 Turnaround Programme

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