LA Inclusion Outreach Service

The Inclusion Outreach Service is primarily a targeted service for all mainstream schools within the Borough of Southend. The service is not available to independent schools unless capacity allows.

The service will work in partnership with LA Inclusion Officers and Educational Psychology Service to identify schools requiring specific whole school training to implement or enhance nurture practice and inclusive strategies. Schools are identified through termly partnership meetings, where a delivery plan of support is then discussed and agreed with the school.

Core Services

The following Core service is available to all schools including academies:

  • School consultations with regards to behaviour, exclusion, nurture and inclusion strategies in collaboration with local authority officers,
  • Advice, guidance and monitoring of the nurture and inclusion arrangements within all schools in collaboration with local authority officers,
  • Ability to undertake observations of children who may be presenting with Social, Emotional and Mental Health,  in addition to a range of complex and challenging issues, in the classroom setting.
  • Record and report on observations and provide follow up advice and strategies for classroom management including risk assessments (see further detail in section 6)
  • Co-ordination of a network of inclusion professionals from schools to share good practice across schools and brokerage of school to school support. Provide a menu of borough wide training as led by the Behaviour Steering Group in collaboration with other services.  Keep the trust and professionals  up to date with national and local developments and reinforce best practice with specific focus on areas of improvement as identified in the ISOS and Local Area SEND Inspection. A requirement to Staff three Primary, and three secondary meetings per academic year.
  • Preparation of reports on pupils to contribute to the statutory assessment process where necessary or contribute to the report from the school by the SENCO
  • Baseline assessments to be completed jointly with schools and used at the start and finish (and at set intervals for any extended work) of any direct pupil related support.
  • Direct work and practical support in the classroom with pupils reintegrating from alternative provision, managed moves, Fair Access and Inclusion Panels to help pupils sustain the mainstream placement. This should include liaison with families and signposting to services for potential support for parenting and other associated services.
  • Specific school training (whole, school, identified senior leads or inclusion team) to implement or enhance nurture practice and inclusive strategies, as identified through termly meetings with LA officers.
  • Direct work in groups (or 1:1 where groups are not possible) for transition support at key stages for vulnerable learners and those at risk of exclusion. Focussing on resilience, self-esteem, positive peer friendships and social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing strategies.




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