Careers Day Survey - December 2024 - Pupils Analysis

Question 1 - What Year Group are you in?

The questionnaire was given out to Year groups 7 to 11 who attended the Careers Fair. 30 Pupils in total took the questionnaire. 3.00% (1 Pupil) took the questionnaire from Year 7, 3.00% (1 Pupils) took the questionnaire from Year 8, 23.00% (7 Pupils) took the questionnaire from Year 9, 27.00% (8 Pupils) took the questionnaire from Year 10, 43.00% (13 Pupils) took the questionnaire from Year 11.


Question 2 - The Event was well Organised.

Question 2 asked pupils if they felt the event was well organised. 86.00% (26 Pupils) either Strongly Agreed or Agreed that the event was well organised, 13.00% (4 Pupils) not sure & 0.0% (0 Pupil) disagreed that the event was well organised.

Question 3 - The Exhibitors were helpful in answering my questions.

Question 3 asked pupils if they felt the exhibitors were helpful in answering their questions. 83.00% (25 Pupils) either strongly agreed or agreed that the exhibitors were helpful in answering their questions, while 17.00% (5 Pupil) were not sure.

Question 4 - I was able to find out the information I wanted to.

Question 4 asked pupils is they were able to find out the information they wanted from the Careers Fair. 83.00% (25 Pupils) either strongly agreed or agreed that they were able to find out the information they wanted from the Careers Fair, 17.00% (5 Pupil) were not sure

Question 5 - I now have a better idea of my career options as a result of the fair?

Question 5 asked pupils if they felt that they had a better idea of their careers options as a result of the careers fair, 76.00% (23 Pupils) either strongly agreed or agreed that they felt that they had a better idea of their career options after attending the Careers Fair, where as 17.00% (5 Pupils) not sure if they had a better idea or not and 6.00% (2 Pupil) either strongly disagreed or disagreed that they now had a better idea of their career options after the Careers Fair.

Question 6 – (Year 9’s Only) The Careers Fair has helped me make a more informed choice on my GCSE Options.

Question 6 was directed at the Year 9 pupils that attended the Careers Fair and asked them if they felt that the fair helped them to make a more informed choice regarding their GCSE Options. Out of the 7 Year 9 pupils that took the questionnaire 57% (4 Pupils) strongly agreed or agreed that they felt the careers fair has helped them to make a more informed choice on their GCSE options. 14.00% (1 Pupils) were not sure if they felt more informed on their GCSE Options. 29.00% (2 Pupil) disagreed and felt that it has not helped them with their GCSE options.

Careers Day Survey - December 2024 - Parent Analysis

Question 1 – What year group is your child in?

The questionnaire was given out to parent/carers of pupils who attended the Careers Fair. 22 Parents/carers in total took the questionnaire. 5.00% (1 Parent/Carers) took the questionnaire whose child was in Year 7, 0.00% (0 Parent/Carers) took the questionnaire whose child is in Year 8, 23.00% (5 Parent/Carers) took the questionnaire whose child is in Year 9, 32.00% (7 Parent/Carers) took the questionnaire whose child is in Year 10, 41.00% (9 Parent/Carers) took the questionnaire whose child is in Year 11.

Question 2 – Did you feel that the event was well organised?

Question 2 asked parents/carers if they felt the event was well organised. 100.00% (22 Parent/Carers) either Strongly Agreed or Agreed that the event was well organised.

Question 3 – Has your child had direct contact with a member of the careers team?

Question 3 asked parents/carers if their child has ever had direct contact with a member of the careers team. 91.00% (20 Parent/Carers) said that their child has had direct contact with the careers team, while 9.00% (2 Parent/Carers) were not sure if their child has had contact with the careers team.

Question 4 – Have you looked at the careers section on our school website?

Question 4 asked parent/carers if they have looked at our careers section on the school’s website. 14.00% (3 Parent/Carers) had seen the careers section on our school website, while 14.00% (3 Parent/Carers) had not viewed the careers section. 59.99% (13 Parent/Carers) have not looked at our careers section on the website but will now that they are aware. 14.00% ( 3 Parent/Carers) were not sure if they had seen the careers section on the website.

Question 5 -Are there any other careers areas you would like to have seen that were not represented? If so, why?

Question 5 asked parent/carers if they felt any other careers areas could have been represected at the careers fairs. A few suggestions were:

  • Construction
  • Hair & Beauty
  • Plumbing
  • Sports Coaching
  • Electrcian
  • Catering & Hospitality

Question 6 – Do you have any additional comments about the careers fair?

Question 6 asked parent/carers if they had any further comments to add regarding the careers fair. Here are a few examples of how parent/carers felt the careers fair went.

  • Good Job
  • Really well run and attempting to assist pupils in the future
  • Well Run and organised
  • It was very useful for me and my child
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