3 April 2020

The London Excel centre has been transformed into a temporary hospital to treat up to 4000 people.
Now the staff at the Nightingale hospital want you to help them to decorate the centre in order to keep all of the patients smiling while they get over the virus.
So what exactly is it you need to do? And what address should you send the rainbows for Nightingale to? Here’s everything you need to know:
What do you need to do?
You and your kids need to get crafty with an A4 piece of paper, creating your most colourful rainbows and messages of positivity.
There’s no restrictions on how many you can draw and they’re encouraging you to write messages of hope or well wishes on them too.
If possible, they’re asking all pictures be laminated, for germ purposes, before sending, but don’t worry if not, the volunteers for the programme can also do it.
Where should I send my Nightingale rainbow picture?
Please send your drawings into the Academy or call us to arrange for it to be collected, we can upload it to our Twitter page with the hashtag #RainbowsForNightingale. Alternatively, if you wish to upload the pictures, please use the #RainbowsForNightingale hashtag, and if using twitter please add @_VictoryPark_ so that we can see and retweet them.